
Founded 1972

President: vacant • Chairman: Mary Boorman • Treasurer & Membership Sec. Alan Humphrey • Honey Rep. Fern Burgess • Show Sec. Oliver Boorman-Humphrey

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Summer Show 2017

Our summer show was held on Saturday 12th August 2017 as part of the Crowhurst Village Fayre. Entries this year were excellent and the fayre very popular! This year, our marquee was decorated for another event, making it look extra special!
The marquee looked stunning decorated for another event
The marquee looked stunning decorated for another event
Tim, Alan, Mary and Oliver from the committee. Photo by Lorna Neville
Tim, Alan, Mary and Oliver from the committee. Photo by Lorna Neville
Oliver, Sue and Mary try out the photo booth
Oliver, Sue and Mary try out the photo booth
The dahlia display. Photo by Lorna Neville
The dahlia display. Photo by Lorna Neville
Picked flower display
Picked flower display
Gladioli exhibits
Gladioli exhibits
Miniature fairy garden by Isabelle Smith
Miniature fairy garden by Isabelle Smith
Winning harvest basket by Shirley Masters
Winning harvest basket by Shirley Masters
Colourful display from the Playgroup
Colourful display from the Playgroup
Beautiful artwork from the Primary School
Beautiful artwork from the Primary School
Egg-celent exhibits from the Brownies
Egg-celent exhibits from the Brownies
Fun photo frames from the Cubs
Fun photo frames from the Cubs
The marquee. Photo by Lorna Neville
The marquee. Photo by Lorna Neville
Visitors  flood in ...
Visitors flood in ...
Even more visitors!
Even more visitors!
Prize winning cabbages by Sid Smith
Prize winning cabbages by Sid Smith
The bread entries in the cookery section
The bread entries in the cookery section
Marigolds and geranium classes
Marigolds and geranium classes
Children's animal masks
Children's animal masks
Children's writing class
Children's writing class
Produce classes
Produce classes
Mary presents Sid Smith with his trophy
Mary presents Sid Smith with his trophy
Mary presents Derek Parks with his medal cards
Mary presents Derek Parks with his medal cards
Mary with Sid and his enormous cabbage!
Mary with Sid and his enormous cabbage!